
A library for exploring persistent homology

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Calculating a Vietoris–Rips complex of a point cloud

Building a Vietoris–Rips complex is a central operation for topological data analysis. In previous tutorials, we saw how to build simplicial complexes manually, load them from files, and calculate their persistent homology.

This tutorial demonstrates how to obtain a simplicial complex from an unstructured point cloud.

Point clouds

In the terminology of Aleph, a point cloud is any unstructured set of data that can be represented in tabular form. Aleph follows the assumption that data points are contained in the rows of said table, while the columns contain data attributes. The default representation of these point clouds is aleph::containers::PointCloud. This class is templated over the type of data to store and expects that each attribute has the same (numerical) type.

At present, Aleph only supports loading point clouds in ASCII format. Individual values need to be separated by at least one separator character. Valid separator characters are:

Hence, Aleph is capable of reading well-formatted numerical CSV files, for example. Other example point clouds, such as the famous Iris data set in several variants, are provided in the tests directory.

To load a point cloud, use aleph::containers::load():

#include <aleph/containers/PointCloud.hh>

// You need to know/specify the attribute type before-hand. This cannot
// be changed while the program is running!
using DataType = double;

auto filename   = "test.csv";
auto pointCloud = aleph::containers::load<DataType>( filename );

The point cloud class offers some standard query functions:

std::cout << pointCloud.dimension() << "\n"  // dimension of each point
          << pointCloud.size()      << "\n"  // number of points
          << pointCloud.empty()     << "\n"; // does the point cloud contain data?

Individual points can be set or stored in various ways:

// Let's assume that the point cloud is 3-dimensional. If this is not
// the case, some of the methods below will throw.
pointCloud.set(i, {1,2,3} );

std::vector<DataType> p = {4,5,6};
std::list<DataType>   q = {7,8,9};

pointCloud.set(i+1, p.begin(), p.end() );
pointCloud.set(i+2, q.begin(), q.end() );

// The default get method merely requires an output iterator, making it
// highly-generic.
pointCloud.get(i+1, std::back_inserter(q));

// Element access is also possible. This mimicks the way one accesses
// values in an `std::vector` class.
p = pointCloud[i];

Neighbourhood calculations

So far, we have only loaded the point cloud. The Vietoris–Rips calculation necessitates an expansion based on neighbourhoods, though. To this end, Aleph, offers a set of wrapper classes. The idea is to make it easy to test out different methods of calculating neighbourhoods, depending on the dimensionality of the input data, for example. In high-dimensional spaces, approximations to the nearest neighbours are often extremely useful, while in low-dimensional spaces, brute-force calculations are often sufficient.

Let us briefly take a look at two wrappers for neighbourhood calculations. First, the brute-force wrapper. It has no external dependencies but is extremely slow for larger data sets and higher dimensions.

#include <aleph/geometry/BruteForce.hh>
#include <aleph/geometry/distances/Euclidean.hh>

using DataType   = double;
using PointCloud = aleph::containers::PointCloud<DataType>;
using Distance   = aleph::geometry::distances::Euclidean;

aleph::geometry::BruteForce<PointCloud, Distance> bruteForceWrapper;

The preceding declaration shows that the wrapper requires a container (in this case, the point cloud) and a distance (in this case, the Euclidean distance). The choice of distance measure is very important with respect to the structures that can be detected. Aleph provides some distances measures that permit calculating distances between two ranges of iterators. Please refer to the source code for a list of valid distance measures.

Another useful wrapper is the wrapper based on FLANN, the Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors. If this library is installed on your system, Aleph detects it upon installation and makes it automatically available. For compatibility reasons, it is recommended that you always check for the availability of this library, though:

#include <aleph/config/FLANN.hh>

#include <aleph/geometry/FLANN.hh>
#include <aleph/geometry/distances/Euclidean.hh>

using DataType   = double;
using PointCloud = aleph::containers::PointCloud<DataType>;
using Distance   = aleph::geometry::distances::Euclidean;

aleph::geometry::FLANN<PointCloud, Distance> flannWrapper;

If FLANN is available, ALEPH_WITH_FLANN will be defined in the configuration file.

Vietoris–Rips expansion

Each wrapper offers the same interface, permitting a radius search in order to obtain all points within a given radius of each other, as well as a neighbour search in order to to obtain the, say, five nearest neighbours of every point. For the purposes of this tutorial, it is not required that we use this interface directly—luckily, Aleph provides a simple interface for calculating Vietoris–Rips complexes of a given radius:

#include <aleph/geometry/VietorisRipsComplex.hh>

// some more definitions and `using` declarations as above

aleph::geometry::BruteForce<PointCloud, Distance> bruteForceWrapper;

auto K = aleph::geometry::buildVietorisRipsComplex( bruteForceWrapper,
                                                    dimension );

This convenience function uses the epsilon parameter to determine a maximum search radius with respect to the selected distance measure. Moreover, it requires a maximum dimension up to which the simplicial complex is to be expanded. However, the function cannot guarantee that the expansion contains simplices of the maximum dimension—this obviously depends on the data set. A good value for a point cloud is given by pointCloud.dimension() + 1.

The previous code automatically uses the distance measure in order to define the weight for one-simplices and higher-dimensional simplices, while the vertices are assigned a weight of zero. Hence, the resulting simplicial complex is a model of the distance function on the data.

Using function values for functional persistent homology

Often, one wants to use a set of function values, defined on the points of the point cloud, to assign to the Vietoris–Rips complex. For example, in my paper Exploring and Comparing Clusterings of Multivariate Data Sets Using Persistent Homology, I am using the results of (essentially) a density estimator to assign function values to the point cloud. Those function values are in turn then used as weights for the simplicial complex. In his paper Topological pattern recognition for point cloud data, Gunnar Carlsson refers to this process as functional persistence.

Aleph provides a convenience function for this purpose as well. You need a range of function values whose cardinality matches the number of vertices in the simplicial complex. Values in this range will then be assigned to the vertices of the simplicial complex upon expanding it. The order of this assignment follows the lexicographical ordering of vertices in the complex. This means that in virtually all cases, the function just works exactly the way you expect it to.

Let us try this for a simple example:

// again, let's assume that the `using` declarations from above are
// still present

std::vector<DataType> functionValues = {1,2,3,...};

aleph::geometry::BruteForce<PointCloud, Distance> bruteForceWrapper;

auto K = aleph::geometry::buildVietorisRipsComplex( bruteForceWrapper,
                                                    functionValues.begin(), functionValues.end() );

The simplicial complex will automatically be ordered by increasing function values. Moreover, each simplex is assigned the maximum function value of its faces.

Other weight assignment schemes

You can also assign weights manually. To this end, just iterate over the simplicial complex and use the replace() function to replace individual simplices.

Changing the filtration

As mentioned above, the simplicial complex is automatically ordered by increasing simplex weights. Aleph offers other filtrations in order to satisfy different topological data analysis scenarios.

An upper-star filtration, for example, is obtained as follows:

#include <aleph/topology/filtrations/UpperStar.hh>

// The weights of the simplicial complex need to be recalculated
// if we are to use another filtration.
// There is a nice convenience function for this purpose. To use
// it, we specify false as the first argument---this indicates a
// re-calculation based on the minimum function value of an edge
// or higher-dimensional simplex.
// The second optional parameter of this function can be used to
// skip 1-dimensional simplices (edges).
K.recalculateWeights( false );

// Function values to use for the upper-star filtration below
std::vector<DataType> eccentricity = {1,2,3,...};

// The upper-star filtration is implemented as a sorting
// predicate. It uses the eccentricity values calculated
// above and prepares a lookup table for each simplex.
aleph::topology::filtrations::UpperStar<Simplex> upperStarFiltration( eccentricity.begin(), eccentricity.end() );

// Note that for reasons of simplicity, the sorting predicate is
// always copied during the sorting. To prevent copies, we hence
// use a reference wrapper from the STL.
K.sort( std::ref( upperStarFiltration ) );

See the eccentricity-based Vietoris–Rips complex calculation example for more information.

Calculating persistent homology

Given the Vietoris–Rips complex, the calculation of persistent homology, depending on the currently-selected filtration, is very simple:

#include <aleph/persistentHomology/Calculation.hh>

auto persistenceDiagrams = aleph::calculatePersistenceDiagrams( K );

for( auto&& diagram : persistenceDiagrams )
  // Removes all features of zero persistence. They only clutter up
  // the diagonal.

  std::cout << "Persistence diagram:\n"
            << diagram << "\n\n";

The function calculatePersistenceDiagrams() is a convenience function that uses the default reduction algorithm to calculate persistent homology. Everything is configurable via templates, though, so you could for example force the function to use the standard reduction algorithm by doing the following:

#include <aleph/persistentHomology/algorithms/Standard.hh>

using ReductionAlgorithm = aleph::persistentHomology::algorithms::Standard;

auto persistenceDiagrams = aleph::calculatePersistenceDiagrams<Standar>( K );

In general, the default choices should be fine for most application scenarios. Note that the choice of algorithm only affects the performance but not the results! Aleph tests each reduction algorithm meticulously in order to ensure that the persistence diagrams remain the same!

More information

For more information, the following (fully-documented) examples may prove useful: