
A library for exploring persistent homology

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Calculating persistent homology of a simplicial complex

Previously, we learned how to build simplicial complexes manually. We will now see how to calculate the persistent homology of such a complex.

Direct calculation

In the following, we assume that we are given a simplicial complex K whose persistent homology we want to calculate. If simplices already have weights that are consistent with respect to the filtration ordering, we can immediately obtain some results:

#include <aleph/persistentHomology/Calculation.hh>

auto persistenceDiagrams = calculatePersistenceDiagram( K );

for( auto&& diagram : persistenceDiagrams )
  std::cout << diagram << "\n";

In this example, the current ordering of the simplicial complex is being used as the filtration. The calculation of persistent homology uses the default algorithms, as specified in aleph/config/Defaults.hh. The file may look like this, for example:

#include <aleph/persistentHomology/algorithms/Twist.hh>

#include <aleph/topology/representations/Vector.hh>

namespace aleph

namespace defaults

using Index              = unsigned;
using Representation     = topology::representations::Vector<Index>;
using ReductionAlgorithm = persistentHomology::algorithms::Twist;

} // namespace defaults

} // namespace aleph

We can see that, by default, the twist algorithm (see Persistent homology computation with a twist for more details) is used to reduce the boundary matrix of the simplicial complex.

In its technical innards, Aleph always uses a boundary matrix representation for calculating persistent homology. This matrix may be represented in various forms. Here, an std::vector is used to store one column of the matrix. Aleph borrows the concept of multiple representations from PHAT—Persistent Homology Algorithms Toolbox. Normally, you do not have to change this.

However, it may make sense to change the reduction algorithm. To use the standard persistent homology calculation algorithm, use the following call:

using namespace aleph::persistentHomology::algorithms;

auto persistenceDiagrams = calculatePersistenceDiagrams<Standard>( K );

for( auto&& diagram : persistenceDiagrams )
  std::cout << diagram << "\n";

This should result in the same persistence diagram. The test suite of Aleph, in particular defines numerous tests to ensure that neither the representation nor the reduction algorithm influence the results (with the possible exception of runtime and memory usage, of course).

Filtrations & expansion

The case described above rarely occurs in practice. Often, we first need to assign weights to a simplicial complex, expand it, and bring it into filtration order. Let us return to the previous data set, a simple triangle, for which we only specify vertices and edges. We then expand the resulting simplicial complex to a Vietoris–Rips complex. This will automatically create the triangle for us:

#include <aleph/topology/Simplex.hh>

using namespace aleph::topology;

using Data              = double;
using Vertex            = unsigned;
using Simplex           = Simplex<Data, Vertex>;
using SimplicialComplex = SimplicialComplex<Simplex>;

std::vector<Simplex> simplices
  = { {1}, {2}, {4}, {1,2}, {1,4}, {2,4} };

SimplicialComplex K( simplices.begin(), simplices.end() );
RipsExpander<SimplicialComplex> ripsExpander;

auto L = ripsExpander( K, 2 );

std::cout << L.size()              << "\n"; // 7; the last simplex is the triangle
std::cout << L.contains( {4,2,1} ) << "\n"; // true

The simplicial complex L now contains the triangle {4,2,1} because the simplicial complex K already contains all of its edges. At this point, we do not have any weights attached to the complex, though, so let us add some:

// We could use any sequence type here, of course. The weights have to
// follow the ordering of vertices. Hence, the assignment will be:
// vertex -> data
// 1      -> 1
// 2      -> 2
// 4      -> 3
std::vector<DataType> data = {
  1, 2, 3

L = ripsExpander.assignMaximumData( L, data.begin(), data.end() );

By calling assignMaximumData(), we instruct the expander class to assign a simplex s the maximum data of all of its faces. In total, we will have the following mapping:

{1}     -> 1
{2}     -> 2
{4}     -> 3
{1,2}   -> 2
{1,4}   -> 3
{2,4}   -> 3
{1,2,4} -> 3

Next, we need to sort the simplicial complex according to these weights:

L.sort( aleph::topology::filtrations::Data<Simplex>() );

This is a standard sorting predicate that sorts simplices by their data values and, in case of ties, lexicographically. Hence, lower-dimensional simplices are guaranteed to preceded higher-dimensional ones. Having established the filtration order, we may proceed to calculate persistent homology as usual:

auto persistenceDiagrams = calculatePersistenceDiagrams( L );

for( auto&& diagram : persistenceDiagrams )
  std::cout << diagram << "\n";

Note that assignMaximumData() is a convenience function for assigning, well, the maximum data value to simplices. It corresponds to a sublevel set filtration of the simplicial complex. Other filtrations are of course possible. This is managed by a flexible functor-based system. To use it, we have to provide an initial value that is to be used when determining the data value of a simplex, and a functor. To obtain a superlevel set filtration, you can use the following code, for example:

L = ripsExpander.assignData( L, data.begin(), data.end(),
                             [] ( const Data& a, const Data& b )
                               return std::min(a,b);
                             } );

Thanks to the power of lambda expressions in C++11, you can use even more complex data assignments for the simplicial complex. Just make sure that the resulting filtration is consistent—faces must precede co-faces here!

More information

Please take a look at the test suite of Aleph for more information. Persistent homology calculation is well-tested for different scenarios. The following tests may prove useful:

In the next tutorial, we will put everything together and cover the complete Vietoris–Rips complex expansion process of a point cloud.